> As an aside: This problem would go away if we really did distinguish between 
> accessing a property and accessing a collection element. Then the former 
> would be done via Object.* methods, while the latter would be done via square 
> brackets.
> I admit that I haven't followed the previous thread on ".[" and such. Is 
> there a short summary? I ask because my diagnosis is similar but my 
> conclusion is reversed. The lesson I take from this is not to use objects as 
> maps. It you want a map, create a Map() and say map.get(key) and map.set(key, 
> value) rather than using square brackets.
> The remaining case is arrays. My conclusion there is to always say array[+i] 
> rather than array[i]. If Alice had already been practicing this as a habit, 
> then her table abstraction would have been naturally robust against this 
> attack even if Alice never thinks of this specific attack.
> Having eliminated both of these uses of unmarked square brackets (lists and 
> maps), the only remaining justified use of unmarked square bracket indexing 
> is reflection. If you see an unmarked square bracket that's not doing 
> reflection, you should probably refactor. 

I agree completely (see also my other email):
- Never use objects as maps.
- Introduce collection classes.
- Try to make arrays fit into the collection framework.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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