> Amen to that. JavaScript seems worse than any other language when it comes
> to finding correct information on the web. For example, I trust
> StackOverflow for many topics, but for JavaScript, it’s often shockingly
> wrong. Half-truths are even worse than information that is completely wrong.

Join the PromoteJS revolution. http://promotejs.org

> However, there are so many styles in JavaScript that I don’t think there
> is a way of creating a corpus that everyone agrees on. The best you can do
> as a newbie is hitch your wagon to someone that you trust and follow
> his/her style. There are a few books that allow you to do that (JavaScript
> the good parts, Eloquent JS, etc.). I really liked “Effective Java”, a
> similar book would make sense for JavaScript (in many ways “the good parts”
> already is). Some of Brendan’s tweets, some of Allen’s or David’s posts,
> and Mark’s recent puzzle would all qualify as material for such a book.

As an aside, this book is pretty good too:

Apart from that, I thought that it might make sense to found some kind of
> “network of trust” of people who write introductory articles. It would be a
> brand that tells people that the information they see is correct. For
> example, when I see something by, say, Addy Osmany, Angus Croll, or
> Nicholas Zakas I know that there usually won’t be any errors. It might make
> sense for someone to curate the considerable introductory material that is
> out there. That could be complemented by a peer review process.
>        --
> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
> a...@rauschma.de
> home: rauschma.de
> twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
> blog: 2ality.com
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