I misunderstood the problem: I thought there was something peculiar about an 
array instance (the first object in the prototype chain), but it’s about the 
Array constructor not being invocable as a function (right?).

Wouldn’t it be easier to introduce a generic method Array.prototype.init() that 
behaves like quirk-free Array.prototype.constructor()?

Use case 1: Create an array subtype:
    let SubArray = Array <| function(...args) {
        super.init(...args); // instead of super.constructor(...args)
Use case 2: Avoid the length pitfall:
    var arr = new Array().init(5); // same as [5]

- Another, possibly stupid, idea: Could Array.prototype.constructor not point 
to Array, but to a function like Array.prototype.init() – that doesn’t create a 
new instance and doesn’t have the length quirk?

- One more: Introduce a constant CLEAN
    let SubArray = Array <| function(...args) {
        super.constructor(CLEAN, ...args);
    var arr = new Array(CLEAN, 3); // the same as [3]

- Creating a subtype CleanArray or ExtensibleArray also seems feasible. Engines 
could optimize internally so that it’s basically the constructor being swapped 
for a quirk-free implementation.

Whatever the solution, it’s obviously applicable to Date, Error, etc., as well.

> In Smalltalk the default implementation of species is:
> species
>   ^self class
> which is pretty much the moral equivalent of:  this.constructor.
> However, that might introduce backwards compatibility issues for existing 
> code which has constructors but currently always produces Array instances 
> from these functions. 

The problem are Array subtypes that expect slice() et al. to produce instances 
of Array (and not of themselves) (?)

> function createArraySubclass(proto,...values) {
>     return proto <| [...values].{
>         [Array.derivedArrayKey](){return proto<| [ ]}
>     }
> }

@derivedArrayKey would normally be in the prototype, right?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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blog: 2ality.com

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