>>> Just to start with, what does this mean:
>>>  [a,b,...r,c,d = [1,2,3]
>> That seems related to
>>     [a, b, c, d] = [1,2,3]
>> and to
>>     [a,b,...r,c,d] = [1,2,3,4]
>> Hence, I would guess:
>> a === 1
>> b === 2
>> r === []
>> c === 3
>> d === undefined
> Why guess?

I’m not sure I understand.

> There is no requirement that ...r consume 1 element,

It consumes 0 elements above.

> but there is a requirement in Dave's desugaring that trailing non-rest 
> element patterns consume elements up to the one indexed by rhs.length - 1.

But that doesn’t help if there are more trailing elements in the pattern than 
in the array to be destructured.

My definition would be:

[a1, ⋯ , an, ...r, b1, ⋯, bm] = [c1, ⋯, cl]

- n+m > l: r is bound to [], the non-rest pattern variables are bound as if 
there was no rest element:
    [a1, ⋯ , an, b1, ⋯, bm] = [c1, ⋯, cl]

- Otherwise r is bound to an array [r1, ⋯, rk] (with k = l-(n+m)) whose 
elements are determined via
    [a1, ⋯ , an, r1, ⋯, rk, b1, ⋯, bm] = [c1, ⋯, cl]

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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