On Nov 17, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Nebojša Ćirić wrote:

> HI all,
>  we briefly discussed the i18n namespace at the meeting yesterday. It seems 
> that "Globalization" (current proposal) could conflict with jQuery plugin, 
> and also some members were worried about the actual name length.
>  Somebody mentioned we should wait for module implementation/spec to settle, 
> but I don't think that would be reallistic if we were to start working on 
> i18n API prototype(s) in the near future.

Modules are being prototyped in the near future, so there's nothing drastically 
less realistic about depending on some spec draft provision. It could change, 
but you could also bootstrap it in JS and not even wait for the concurrent 
module system prototyping to get that far.

>  What do you think would be a good alternative (Object system was mentioned, 
> but I would need more deatails there)?

No, that is the "use the module system" idea. We need to agree on how the 
system loader, or the system modules, are reflected into legacy script without 
injecting new globals. Object.system as the system loader reference is one 
idea. Then you might wire up Object.system.load("@g11n"...) or whatever the 
right module loader API is.


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