On Nov 21, 2011, at 8:49 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> On Nov 20, 2011, at 8:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
>> On Nov 20, 2011, at 1:18 PM, David Herman wrote:
>>>> I would not add more implicit magic to JS. E4X had junk like this in it, 
>>>> which only ever concealed bugs.
>>> I'm of two minds about this. In the abstract, I agree with Brendan; 
>>> fail-soft conceals bugs. But in reality, our destructuring logic is 
>>> incredible fail-soft. Hardly anything in destructuring is treated as an 
>>> error. And the syntax really *wants* to match the common pattern. So I'm 
>>> torn.
>> 1. Failing to write that means a destructuring parameter with default values 
>> within the pattern cannot be observed via arguments[i] as undefined (or 
>> null?). If missing, the undefined will be replaced by a fresh object. This 
>> isn't consistent with any other combination of destructuring parameters and 
>> parameter default values.
> Actually, I've specified parameter default value initialization such that the 
> arguments object is an array of the actual argument values. It contains no 
> default value substitutions. Even if function f({a,b}) is interpreted as 
> function f({a,b}=undefined)  the value of arguments[0] for a call of the form 
> f(undefined) would still be undefined.
> I'm not particularly in favor of treating undefined/null as { }, but I don't 
> think the arguments object is particularly relevant to the issue.

If you had not preserved the actual undefined, I would argue differently. We 
all hate arguments but chipping away at consistency involving observations made 
using it has a bad smell.

What about points 2 and 3?


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