On 18.12.2011 23:18, Mike Samuel wrote:
2011/12/17 Dmitry Soshnikov<dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com>:

Just recently was working with Ruby's code. And found useful again its
(actually from Perl) "approximately equal" operator: =~
Perl's =~ operator is more comparable to String.prototype.match than

Perl operators can be used in either scalar or list contexts unlike
ecmascript (see perldoc for wantarray) and it's true that =~ produces
a boolean when used in a scalar context, but since match returns null
on zero matches, it can still be used in conditions.  When used in a
non-scalar context, =~ produces a list of the matches:

     perl -e 'my $s = "foo"; print join ",", ($s =~ /o/g)'



Perhaps, I don't know Perl enough. The talk isn't about Perl though. We may adjust the semantics for ES as _we_ wish, not Perl.

Even ignoring order of evaluation, desugaring a ~= b to b.test(a)
would cause the seemingly straightforward

    var myRegex = /foo/g;  // Used for a global replace in other code.
    if ("foo" ~= myRegex) { alert(1); }
    if ("foo" ~= myRegex) { alert(2); }
    if ("foo" ~= myRegex) { alert(3); }

to alert 1 and 3 only.

Because of lastIndex, I understand. Though nobody says we have to directly desugar it to .test(...) method. Obviously, it should handle the case correctly.


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