>  For another the modules infrastructure that you have on
> node is (for good reasons, I suspect) completely different to the
> infrastructure available on the client, which makes a difference to
> the way you structure your program.

I’ve heard that claim many times, but I have yet to see compelling evidence 
[1]. I find the competing module standards Common JS Modules and Asynchronous 
Module Definitions (AMDs) to be very similar. Some argue that AMDs are too 
complicated, but I don’t think they could be any simpler (in their basic 
version). Having two competing module standards hurts the JavaScript ecosystem, 
but with ECMAScript.next modules that problem will hopefully soon be gone.

> AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) as supported on the client by require.js 
> and curl.js is catching on for precisely that reason. There is no shortage of 
> adapters between AMD and CommonJS modules, so AMD modules are also quite 
> usable on the server.

The adapters are all a bit cumbersome to use. IMHO, the best option is still 
boilerplate (to conditionally turn an AMD into a Node.js module):
    ({ define: typeof define === "function"
        ? define
        : function(A,F) { module.exports = F.apply(null, A.map(require)) } }).
    define([ "./module1", "./module2" ],
        function (module1, module2) {
            return ...

[1] http://www.2ality.com/2011/11/module-gap.html

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

home: rauschma.de
twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
blog: 2ality.com

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