On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:12 AM, John J Barton

> On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de>wrote:
>> 1. We want sane isObject and isNull predicates, ideally using typeof.
>> Lack of them continues to bite people, as the web contains code that
>> wrongly assumes typeof x == "object" => x.foo won't throw on null x.
>> What are the use cases for typeof? Offhand, I see five and for most of
>> them, other solutions seem to be better.
> In my experience the major use of typeof is to implement dynamic function
> overloading.  That is, a function that is flexible in the arguments it
> takes, such that one logical name maps to multiple use cases.
>> 1. Checking whether a variable has been declared.
>>     Problematic: verbose and conflated with checking for a declared
>> variable having the value `undefined`.
>>     Better: a dedicated operator or predicate for performing this check.
> Sorry, I don't think anyone checks if a is variable declared. You just
> look at the source code.

Tell that to people writing feature detection code :)

> 2. Checking that a value is neither null nor undefined.
>>     Problematic: can’t be done via only typeof currently.
>>     Better: a predicate for performing this check. This use case will
>> become less important with default parameter values.
> if(!name) {}

And if name is 0? Or ""? Whoops. Javascript's coercion is pretty winful
here (in spite of what jslint might say): `if (name == null)` is more
targeted, just catching the name === null and name === void 0 cases.

3. Distinguishing between objects and primitives.
>>     Problematic: Made more difficult by typeof null === "object" and
>> typeof function () {} === "function".
>>      Better: predicates such as isObject() and isPrimitive()
> Mostly we are checking string, array, function or object.  Only Java devs
> pass/return |null| so that case is not that big of a deal. Or another way
> to look at it: if you use null, it's your own little signal, so enjoy.

Again, some people write generic code. Sure, those people should be more
aware of the jswtfs but we can't just pretend they're not there.

> Array is the famously difficult case.

Until es5 gave us Array.isArray. But yes, array is another branch in the
object-detection code. And like array, everyone has slightly different
object detection rules. It would be a gift if the language were to fix this.

4. Determining the type of a primitive value.
>>     Better: typeof is OK here, but changing it so that typeof null ===
>> "null" would help.
>> 5. Determining the type of a value (primitive or otherwise).
>>     Better: I would want a function, e.g. getTypeName() that works like
>> (null-enabled) typeof for primitives and returns the value of the [[Class]]
>> property for objects.
>  This would be great!

Agreed. ISTM the best way to reform typeof may be to just punt on it
entirely. This would be a lot easier to do if the language gave us a better
tool for all of these use cases OOTB. And as Axel points out, modules make
it a lot easier for the language to give us these tools.

>> Everything except #1 can be easily implemented as functions (and be
>> brought to ES5 via shims). A function such the #5 getTypeName() could take
>> care of use case #4, as well.
>> Ideas for getTypeName():
>> http://www.2ality.com/2011/11/improving-typeof.html
>>         --
>> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
>> a...@rauschma.de
>> home: rauschma.de
>> twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
>> blog: 2ality.com
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