On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:

>     ({ define: typeof define === "function"
>>        ? define  // browser
>>        : function(F) { F(require,exports,module) } }).  // Node.js
>>    define(function (require, exports, module) {
>>        // Node.js module code goes here
>>    });
> Ok, thanks for the example. Here the test
>   typeof define === 'function'
> is equivalent to
>   typeof window.define === 'function'
> Is this testing whether 'define' is "declared"?
> Yes.
> I thought that 'window' is built-in so window.foo can either have a value
> or be 'undefined', but window.foo can not be declared.
> Note: `window` does not exist on Node.js (and possibly other non-browser
> environments).
> Anyway, if this example illustrates your use case, then it is the
> important case in my opinion (dynamic function overloading, supporting
> multiple callers). (And I don't see how any dedicated operator can help.)
> If there was an operator `exists`, the following two expressions would be
> equivalent. I prefer the latter expression, because it is more explicit.
>      typeof define === "function"
>      exists define && define instanceof Function
> The exists operator would work as follows (slightly edited from a previous
> email):
>     console.log(exists globalUnknown); // false

Same as...
  ( "globalUnknown" in this )      // anywhere
  ( "globalUnknown" in window ) // browser
  ( "globalUnknown" in global )   // node
  ( "globalUnknown" in self )      // workerglobalscope

But this is _so_ common that it might warrant an upgrade

>     // undefined and null in several variations
>     var myvar;
>     console.log(exists myvar); // false

"exists" is misleading here, "myvar" does exist - you just initialized it,
but did not assign a value. If  I've understood 12.2 correctly, "myvar"
definitely "exists"

>     console.log(exists undefined); // false
    console.log(exists null); // false

Same argument as given for "myvar"

>     var obj = {};
>     console.log(exists obj.prop); // false

This makes complete sense, but still same as my first example

  ( "prop" in obj )


>        --
> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
> a...@rauschma.de
> home: rauschma.de
> twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
> blog: 2ality.com
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