On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Wes Garland <w...@page.ca> wrote:

> On 17 January 2012 13:05, Russell Leggett <russell.legg...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>  After all, e4x is just an extension to JS, it should be possible to add
>> the data types natively and then make any e4x code work as syntactic sugar,
>> which you can desugar yourself.
> I don't really know the details, but that is definitely not true. Ask Jeff
> Walden from Mozilla for details, if you can convince him to discuss the
> topic. :)

Ah, that's too bad. I'll admit I hadn't looked at it quite in depth enough
to say for sure, but it seemed fine from my limited knowledge. I guess not.

> This may be true for "something approaching E4X", and might be a great way
> to approach the community's needs.  An XML library and a pre-processor.
> Wes
> --
> Wesley W. Garland
> Director, Product Development
> PageMail, Inc.
> +1 613 542 2787 x 102
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