On Jan 18, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

>> Oliver Hunt <mailto:oli...@apple.com>
>> January 18, 2012 11:37 AM
>> On Jan 18, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Gavin Barraclough wrote:
>>> This seems unlikely to cause any confusion in real usage, since it only 
>>> effects an object literal as an operand to a bitwise operator.
>> I dislike the | mode quite a lot, the only obvious reason for that proposal 
>> existing is some peoples current love of ruby :)
> Not so -- I do not love Ruby. Also, this is essentially an _ad hominem_ 
> argument.

Many apologies, the ':)' was meant to imply that a knew that that wasn't a 
valid argument

>> Why not use the C++ lambda syntax?
> Because we cannot use (params) { body } without a restricted production *and* 
> the result looking too much like a function, or run-together expression and 
> block-statement. We've been over this.
> Block-lambdas have significantly different semantics due to TCP conformance. 
> They ought to look different.

I guess.  Maybe the problem here is that I don't like the block-lambda concept 
itself.  I'll mull on i, and harass you at whatever magical location where 
meeting at tomorrow :D

> /be

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