Brendan Eich wrote:
I suspect your very complicated translation with __prvTable__ etc. is
intended to hoist private somehow, once per declaration in source rather
than once per evaluation of declaration. That's too restrictive, since

Exactly. By design.

private declarations can be placed in outer blocks or closures for
singleton naming, or moved into inner constructor-like functions for
per-instance private names.

I proposed private to really only do the conventional per-source singleton aliasing (I dubbed 'const foo = perSourceTable[index]' aliasing for this discussion).

The motivation for this is exactly the "can be placed in outer blocks or closures". My proposal for 'private' is precisely and only to create conventional way to do these singletons without need for those annoying wrappers.

Maybe I should include the example to illustrate how hard and inconcievable it is to create such singleton for use in a few { levels deeper, going there and back, creating them more for many nested levels in one outer place, and so forth, but I believe you can imagine.

Users should be able to declare class-private and instance-private
names, in other words.

These cases do not need any special syntax. They can use const foo = Name.create(). It is very little hassle. I proposed 'private' only for singletons, because for them the convenience is really useful.

Use singleton in class block scope.

Your block examples, which I modified, are not complete enough to judge
what's wanted. By asserting singleton private name per source
declaration you are deciding prematurely and overconstraining the
feature. Let the user put the block or closure at the right inner or

It was meant as a convenience only for singletion, as they are the hard case. The other cases are easy without need for help from 'private'.

So user can put the local case there, by normal means.
Or he can put the hard case (singletion with wrapper) with conenient 'private'.

outer level and declare there. There are an arbitrary number of
generative layers (generations): class static private, class instance
private, inner closure private, etc. etc.

And I say (and hopefully I am not mistaken) that those runtime-local are easy to do by playing with let, const and Name.create(); and those lexically-local are hard so the convenience is placed especially for them.

Also, I'd say, the semantics of private can then be straightforward: for _any_ {...} block, the private key is only created once and visible only in the block. Never mind what block will it be; you have the spatially local temporally shared key for your use.


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