On 28 January 2012 02:08, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:
> I played around a bit to see if I could come up with a troublesome example
> of the sort you may be thinking about.  What I came up with is the follow:
> <script>
> module a {
>    import {x:y} from b;

I think you wanted to say {y:x} here.

>    module b{
>       export let y = x;  //essentially this is let y=y
>     }
> }
> </script>
> 1)The script is parsed, and static semantic checks are made.  There are no
> static errors.

Just to be clear: the static semantics is where most of the
complication of modules lie. Depending on what exactly we want to
allow, it amounts to a non-trivial type inference problem.

> 2) module instantiation is performed for the block.  This instantiates each
> module defined by the top level of the block, instantiating a module
> includes producing the list of identifiers exported by the module. Each
> identifier is associated with a new uninitialized binding. Instantiated
> modules are not initialized (their body is not executed) at this time.

You need a new uninitialized binding for all identifiers in the
module's local scope, not just the exported ones.

> 3) An initialized binding for "a" is is created in the top level environment
> for the script.  (all top level binding are instantiate at this point, if
> there were any others).  Note that the binding for a is initialized (it
> reference a module instance object) but the module itself is not yet
> initialized
> 4) initialize module a
>      5) module instantiation is performed for the body of module a.  This
> instantiates a module instance for module b with exported identifier "y" and
> its binding.

It's not quite that simple. Recursive initialization does not suffice,
because there can be arbitrary import/export/aliasing cycles (e.g., b
could import from a as well). Consequently, you generally need to
create the instance object for _all_ modules in the program first,
before you can start initializing _any_ of them (or the toplevel, for
that matter).

>      6) An initialized binding for "b" is is created  in module a's inner
> environment; (but module b is not yet initialized)
>      7) An binding for  "x"  is created in module a's inner environment.
>  The binding is linked to the binding of "y" exported from b.  Both bindings
> share the same initialization state.  (currently uninitialized)
>      8) initialize module b
>             9) The binding for  for "y" that was created when module b was
> instantiated is added to  module b's inner environment
>             10) evaluate the LHS of the exported let;  the binding found for
> "x" is uninitialized so we throw and the script terminates.

I suppose you mean RHS here and below.

> If evaluating LHS didn't have any dependencies upon uninitialized bindings
> (say it was a constant or a function expression) we would continue as
> follows:
>             11) set the "y" binding to the value of the LHS and mark "y" as
> initialized, this also mark the "x" binding in module a as initialized
>      12) module b is not fully initialized
> 13) module a is not fully initialized
> I've only mentally walked through the steps but it looks to me like this
> process will also work for circular dependencies such
> as http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:modules_examples#cyclic_dependencies

Here is what my toy source-to-source translator generates for your example:

"use strict";
// Create:
const _ = {};
const __a = {};
const __a_b = {};
// Link:
Object.defineProperty(__a_b, "y", {get: function() { return __a_b_y }});
// Run:
let __a_x = __a_b_y;
let __a_b_y = __a_x;

Executing this snippet on V8 throws a reference error as expected,
when evaluating the first let binding.  (The additional __a_x is due
to my translator not supporting import renaming, so I expanded "import
{y:x} from b" to "import y from b; let x = y".)

More generally, in a program with modules, you basically have three
phases of execution:

1. Instantiation. Bindings to fresh instance objects are created for
all modules in the program, and uninitialized bindings for all other
(non-local) bindings in the program (i.e., hoisting the let's above).
2. Linking. The exported bindings of each module are installed on the
respective instance objects. (For exported modules, these are data
properties carrying the already created instance objects, for others,
accessor properties forwarding to the yet uninitialized bindings.)
3. Execution. All non-module bindings' RHSs are evaluated in order of
appearance, initializing the respective bindings.

Note that each phase is a separate recursion over the whole program.

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