On Jan 31, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>>> >  No, I meant this:
>>> >  >    let i = 42, j = 3;
>>> >    for (let x = i *= j in {});
>>> >  >  No iterations, x not in scope after -- but i is 126 after. Do Not 
>>> > Want (the initialiser).
>>  for the same effec:
>>  let i = 42, j = 3;
>>  for (let x  in (i *= j ,{}));
> So? I wrote "effect" not "scope", now you're defending the unwanted degree of 
> side-effecting freedom? :-|.
> One can always make expressions have effects. That's not the point. The reuse 
> of VariableDeclarationNoIn in 12.6.4 without any refactoring or semantic 
> restriction to forbid an initialiser was a mistake. I'm glad to get rid of 
> it, but teasing me will cause endless grumpy fear that it will live on. :-P

Oh, I'm perfectly happy to see the initializer eliminated (for the new syntax).

But  side-effects eradication, in general,  seems like a wack-a-mole effort.

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