Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
We're putting a lot of energy into trying to figure out how to "fix" for(let;;) 
when it probably shouldn't even be the preferred form of numeric looping going forward. 
If we can make for-in/for-of attractive enough then it is less clear why we need to fix 

for (var i=0, n<n; I++) capture(function () {i});

still have to be modified to

for (let i=0, n<n; I++) capture(function () {i});

to "fix" the capture bug in existing code. Why not make the new better way 
something like

for (let i of range(0,n)) capture(function () {i});

I'm a big fan of iterators and this will be winning. Indeed many languages add a range operator for more convenience:

  for (let i of 0..n) ...

or perhaps ... (yech).

and promote the hell out of it while leavingfor(;;) as is.

Here I demur. We can promote all we want. Won't necessarily do a thing to JS developers who see for(let;;) as a better way to write (or migrate, note well) code they wrote (or inherited, double note well) that uses for(var;;).

   Maybe don't even add let/const forms to for(;;).

Again I dissent. We're not making a "new language", so breaking symmetry to deprecate looks like nanny-ing. It usually fails, in my experience. It doesn't help migration.

You make a good point: we should not overcomplicate for(let;;) at high cost. I'm happy with Andreas's proposed 0th-iter scope desugaring, modulo nagging doubts that are going away even as I type.

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