   a: path(/a2),  // yes,  path(/a2) is a object
   a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},  // no, path(/b) is a path itself you will
get undefined here.
   b: path(/b2), //yes, path(/b2) is a object
   b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2}, // no path(../a) is a path itself you will
get undefined here.

In general, I mean a path will never refer to a object specified by a path.

2012/3/5 Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com>

> On 5 March 2012 13:20, 程劭非 <csf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > JSON.stringfyEx will never produce text like this but JSON.parseEx accept
> > this form.
> >
> > I mean
> > {
> >     a:11,
> >     b:path(/a)
> > }
> > will act all the same with
> > {
> >     a:11,
> >     b:11
> > }
> Do you expect
>  {
>    a: path(a2),
>    a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},
>    b: path(b2),
>    b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2},
>  }
> to work? Even ignoring the issue with circularities, you would need to
> do (deep) dependency analysis before initialising individual
> properties.
> /Andreas
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