Later, I saw the ES5 draft history[1],  Step 15 in the previous version of
the "Sunnyvale"( 23 Feb 2009 ) and step 8.a in the "Sunnyvale"( 02 March
2009 ) are the same intention.
Step 15 in the previous version of the "Sunnyvale" is only execute if this
number value is 0 and fractionDigits is undefined,
But step 8.a in "Sunnyvale" is also execute if fractionDigits is not

so step 8.a should be "a. if fractionDigits is undefined, then let f = 0.".


在 2012年3月8日 下午10:34,程劭非 <>写道:

> I don't think so.
> ES5 specified the algorithm of  toExponential. “The number is the same” is
> not the only requirement.
> See the algorithm below: ( please pay attention to 8.a )
>    1.
>    Let *x* be this Number value <>
>    .
>    2.
>    Let *f* be ToInteger <>(*fractionDigits*).
>    3.
>    If *x* is *NaN*, return the String *"NaN"*.
>    4.
>    Let *s* be the empty String.
>    5.
>    If *x* *<* 0, then
>    1.
>       Let *s* be *"-"*.
>       2.
>       Let *x* = –*x*.
>       6.
>    If *x* = +∞, then
>    1.
>       Return the concatenation of the Strings *s* and *"Infinity"*.
>       7.
>    If *fractionDigits* is not *undefined* and (*f* < 0 or *f* > 20),
>    throw a *RangeError <>* exception.
>    8.
>    If *x* = 0, then
>    1.
>       *Let f = 0.*
>       2.
>       Let *m* be the String consisting of *f*+1 occurrences of the
>       character ‘0’.
>       3.
>       Let *e* = 0.
>       9.
>    Else, *x* ≠ 0
>    1.
>       If fractionDigits is not *undefined*, then
>       1.
>          Let *e* and *n* be integers such that 10*f* ≤ *n* < 10*f*+1 and
>          for which the exact mathematical value of *n* × 10*e*–*f* – *x* is
>          as close to zero as possible. If there are two such sets of *e*
>           and *n*, pick the *e* and *n* for which *n* × 10*e*–*f* is
>          larger.
>          2.
>       Else, *fractionDigits* is *undefined*
>       1.
>          Let *e*, *n*, and *f* be integers such that *f* ≥ 0, 10*f* ≤ *n* <
>          10*f*+1, the number value for n× 10*e*–*f* is *x*, and *f* is as
>          small as possible. Note that the decimal representation of*n*
>           has *f*+1 digits, *n* is not divisible by 10, and the least
>          significant digit of *n* is not necessarily uniquely determined
>          by these criteria.
>          3.
>       Let *m* be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal
>       representation of *n* (in order, with no leading zeroes).
>       10.
>    If *f* ≠ 0, then
>    1.
>       Let *a* be the first character of *m*, and let *b* be the remaining
>       *f* characters of *m*.
>       2.
>       Let *m* be the concatenation of the three Strings *a*, *"."*, and *b
>       *.
>       11.
>    If *e* = 0, then
>    1.
>       Let *c* = *"+".*
>       2.
>       Let *d* = *"0".*
>       12.
>    Else
>    1.
>       If *e* > 0, then let *c* = *"+".*
>       2.
>       Else, *e* ≤ 0
>       1.
>          Let *c* = *"-"*.
>          2.
>          Let *e* = –*e*.
>          3.
>       Let *d* be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal
>       representation of *e* (in order, with no leading zeroes).
>       13.
>    Let *m* be the concatenation of the four Strings *m*, *"e"*, *c*, and *
>    d*.
>    14.
>    Return the concatenation of the Strings *s* and *m*.
> According to this algorithm, (0).toExponential(1) should return "0e+0".(f
> is set to 0)
> But it looks none of V8, spidermonkey and JScript did that thing. Their
> result is "0.0e+0".
> So is there anyone could give some message about why does ES5 define this
> behavior like this? Or is it simply a spec bug?
> 2012/3/8 Jens Nockert <>
>> On H.24/03/08, at 12:39, DX Jin <> wrote:
>> > (0).toExponential(1) should, according to the algorithm in,
>> return "0e+0".
>> >
>> > But all browser implementations return "0.0e+0" instead.
>> >
>> > Which is wrong? The specification or the implementations?
>> Neither, the result is correct. The number is the same, just different
>> representations as strings.
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