
With a class expression and .{, you can also conceivably have constructor 

var MyClass = class extends Foo { ... ) . { /* constructor properties go here 
*/ }

I don’t use constructor properties often, so I think it’s OK not to have them 
in MM classes (with the option of adding them e.g. in ES.next.next).

On Apr 6, 2012, at 23:10 , Russell Leggett wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Kevin Smith <khs4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Looking at Allen's collection classes, it's clear that our maximally minimal
> > classes aren't sufficient for describing a large subset of the classes we
> > might want to create.  As a general goal, I think that a complete class
> > syntax should be able to express all of the external interface of the class,
> > for all except a small set of edge cases.
> A complete class syntax, yes.  Maximally-minimal classes aren't
> attempting to be a complete class syntax.  They're trying to be a
> maximally minimal class syntax, which is friendly to future extension
> to make it more complete.  That way we can defer the debates about
> future functionality and syntax while still getting some work done
> now.
> As Tab says, you won't really find anyone here that thinks Max-Min isn't 
> missing features. The point is that there have been dozens of full-featured 
> proposals just like yours which haven't come to consensus. Max-min was an 
> attempt to take every controversial feature out while still remaining useful 
> and leaving the door open for the future. It seems to me that so far this is 
> the closest to consensus. Trying to go the other direction is probably just 
> going in circles. Maybe I'm wrong. I know that the biggest thing holding it 
> back is that for a couple holdouts it is too minimal and possibly competes 
> with some of the work being done for object literal extensions. Personally, I 
> think that if anything should be done to fix Max-min it should be in the 
> private name area.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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