Kevin Smith wrote:

    Arbitrary prototype properties is surely to draw fire. It can be a
    foot-gun and might conflict with instance properties in the future.

Foot gun: yes. I've shot myself in the foot with it. But I think it can be addressed in a way that's footgun-proof. We're going to need arbitrary prototype properties at some point.

Why? I mean, what built-in in ECMA-262 or a DOM spec needs non-method data properties? Methods and accessors, yes. Constants go on the constructor. I'm probably forgetting some bogus Java-like WebIDL binding rule here...

Otherwise, we have to do something painful like:

    if (this instanceof MyClass)
        // construct it
        return new MyClass(...args);

Even here, you can be spoofed by calling the constructor on an already-constructed instance. It's hard to tell 'new' from invocation by checking facts about |this|.

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