On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

> I have actually looked at the links (I confess I did not want to browse 
> though another way to ruin (nearly a) consensus on max-min), and I must admit 
> I like it.

My reaction to Kevin's initial post was much the same as Herby's.  I'm just not 
interested in looking at new more comprehensive class proposals if we can't 
first get agreement on the level of functionally that is in the max-min classes 
proposal (and there are still points of disagreement on the details of that 
functionality). The agreement we needed is that :

1) A  max-min proposal will the common foundation for any other future "class" 
features (whether in ES6 or in future editions) 
2) A max-min by it self would be a worthwhile addition to ES

If we can agree on this then we can make progress. Any enhancement discussion 
prior to such agreement just makes achieving consunsus on these points more 

We have already found that we are unable to find consensus starting with more 
complex proposal so I have very little interest in exploring them at this point 
in time.

Agreeing to Min-max in ES6 wouldn't shut the door to additional class features 
in ES6.  It would rather open a door that for now seems firmly stuck.

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