See below:

I'm not sure who told Cameron that this is likely to change from the current 
spec. but regardless I don't think it is a good idea. 

Just to start, it means a method like:

Array.prototype.fill = function(value=null) { 

wouldn't do the obvious thing when called as:



Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From: Cameron McCormack <>
> Date: April 11, 2012 5:15:35 PM PDT
> To: "" <>
> Cc: Jonas Sicking <>, Brendan Eich <>, 
> David Herman <>, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <>
> Subject: undefined being treated as a missing optional argument
> A few months ago we had some long discussions about what it means to pass 
> undefined as the value of an optional argument, for example:
>  void f(optional long x);
> called with:
>  f(undefined);
> What we eventually settled on was that an explicit undefined is always 
> treated as a specified argument, so for the above case undefined would be 
> converted to the IDL long value 0.  Here's where the original decision was 
> announced:
> Maybe the strongest reason for deciding this way was to align with how ES6 
> was going to handle function argument default values.  It's been brought to 
> my attention though that this behaviour is not yet fixed for ES6 and there's 
> a good possibility that ES6 will specify that passing undefined will cause 
> the argument's default value to be used.  If that happens, then it seems like 
> we might again want Web IDL to change to be consistent with that.
> Unless there are any objections, I'm going to add a note to the spec to point 
> out that undefined is currently not treated as a missing optional argument in 
> alignment with ES6, but that ES6 may yet change and that we might revisit the 
> decision at that point.
> (If we did revisit the decision, there are various knock-on changes we'd need 
> to make (again) such as bringing dictionaries in line by having an undefined 
> value specified for a dictionary member mean that it is not present, ensuring 
> that the overload resolution algorithm can handle this, deciding what it 
> means to pass undefined to an optional argument of IDL type any, and so on.)

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