>> So, FF (>= 4??) and IE9 don't seem to support unicode escape based 
>> de-keywordization and the web doesn't appear to have collapsed.  That seems 
>> like a good indication that this isn't a major interp. concern and we can 
>> think about what we want such unicode escapes to mean rather than being 
>> forced to adopt something.

>> Personally, I think the de-keywordization interpretation is pretty ugly.  It 
>> is taking something (unicode escapes) that presumably exist for specific 
>> purpose (a way to insert arbitrary Unicode code units into source text) and 
>> loads a secondary semantics upon them. I think that ES5 has already covered 
>> the important use cases for contextual non-keyword interpretation of 
>> reserved words.  If we want to allow declarations that create bindings for 
>> reserved words (not something I favor) then we should address that head-on 
>> rather than via a ugly backdoor. 

>> I think we should stick with the ES5 intent (Unicode escapes don't change 
>> the meaning of an IdentiferName, including keywords) and possibly clarify 
>> the Es6 spec. language to make this intent even clearer. 

+1.  Having Unicode escapes have no impact on the interpretation of an 
IdentifierName seems like a simpler model for the language, and the one that 
the ES5 spec text currently suggests.  FWIW - I tested IE8 as well, and it also 
doesn't support Unicode escape de-keywordization, so I suspect this behavior 
has been around in browsers for quite a while.


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