This is covered on the wiki too.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 20:38, Russell Leggett
<> wrote:
>> The examples cited are arguably cases where the built-in behaviour is
>> unintuitive to many JavaScript developers, because it doesn't match their
>> expectation with user code functions and most other built-ins.  I don't view
>> any of the cases listed as validation that we would *want* that behaviour by
>> default, just that there are a non-zero number of cases where it exists
>> today.
>> > I suggest that the appropriate way to think of about the current
>> > behavior, in the context of ES6, is that function f(a) {...} is equivalent
>> > to function f(a=undefined) {...}
>> > In other words, there is a default initialization expression, if one is
>> > not specified. So, f() and f(undefined) appear to produce the same result.
>> This is a good way of explaining the proposed semantics, but...
>> > But I see why somebody calling a function defined as function(a={
>> > }){...} explicitly as f(undefined) would expect to trigger the default
>> >  value initializer.
>> Right.  This is exactly the sort of thing I'm worried about, and seems
>> like the practical common case for default values.
>> >> 2) The fact that JavaScript (at least for user objects) currently
>> >> doesn't differentiate between missing arguments and undefined arguments 
>> >> is a
>> >> nice simplifying rule in the language that is easy to understand..
>> > It does differentiate, at least in regard to the arguments object.
>> True.  But this is uncommon enough as to not be something most developers
>> deal with.  Default values aim to be a much more commonly used tool.
>> > > 3) The example above, of wanting to have an API that allows explicitly
>> > > passing in undefined to override a default value, seems outside of the
>> > > common case (out of curiosity - are there any realistic example of 
>> > > this?).
>> > >  If truly desired, it is easy to not use default values.  But the common
>> > > case seems more likely to be to emulate what is done today - and avoid
>> > > having any undefined values flow into the API call.
>> > Why is the example, outside of common sense.  It is a straightforward
>> > function to fill every element of an array with a common value. Undefined 
>> > is
>> > certain something that can be stored in arrays so why wouldn't there be
>> > situations where where you would want to pass undefined.  Particularly if
>> > the fill function was written by an unreformed Java programmer who used a
>> > peculiar default fill value.
>> The last point was why I considered it outside of the common case.  It
>> seems unusual to intentionally want to fill with null by default, but still
>> allow overriding with an undefined fill.  Not impossible, but I would expect
>> this to be rare enough that I don't mind making it the one case where
>> default values can't be used.
>> > I agree that there is some confusion among some JS programmer about the
>> > current missing argument default value rules.  However, I don't think what
>> > you are suggesting is going to reduce that confusion.  I think it will
>> > increase it.
>> At the end of the day - I see value in enabling the patterns developers
>> are using today to be refactorable into default values.  I worry that the
>> current proposed semantics are too far away from what is used today to make
>> that practical.
>> Of course, there is enough inconsistency in what is used currently anyway
>> - so this may be a difficult goal to achieve fully.  But I suspect that
>> treating undefined the same as not present at least keeps things close
>> enough the common forms below could reasonably consider migrating to default
>> values.
>> // All fairly common..
>> if(!param) { param = 3; }
>> if(param == null) { param = 3; }
>> if(typeof param == 'undefined') { param = 3; }
>> param = param || 3;
>> var param = arguments[1] || 3;
>> // Not sure I've ever seen this... which seems to be the proposed default
>> value semantics
>> if(arguments.length < f.length) { param = 3; }
> At first the answer to this didn't really matter to me, because how often
> does someone pass undefined to a function like foo(undefined). I know I
> don't, though I'm sure it happens occasionally. Then I thought about it and
> realized that it happens in my code all the time, just not like that. A much
> more common case is a pass through of an argument to another function.
>     function fadeIn(duration=200){...}
>     function fadeOut(duration=200){...}
>     function fadeToggle(duration){
>         if(visible){
>             fadeOut(duration);
>         }else{
>             fadeIn(duration);
>         }
>     }
> Here, the argument duration is always passed through fadeToggle to fadeIn or
> fadeOut. Someone writing fadeIn would always expect to have a default of
> 200. fadeToggle does not care about the duration so much as it wants to pass
> it on and use the defaults of the functions it calls. If passing undefined
> does not trigger the default, it would have to be rewritten like:
>     function fadeToggle(duration){
>         var hasDuration = typeof duration != "undefined";
>         if(visible){
>             if(hasDuration){
>                 fadeOut(duration);
>             }else{
>                 fadeOut();
>             }
>         }else{
>             if(hasDuration){
>                 fadeIn(duration);
>             }else{
>                 fadeIn();
>             }
>         }
>     }
> Given this, I would probably just stick to putting
>     duration = duration || 200;
> at the top of the function.
> - Russ
>> Luke
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