Why is the argument and curly brace syntax required for except? Why
not simply allow:

try {
  throw ExceptionalException;
} catch dosubroutine();

which for the convenience of Jussi's original ask:

try {
} catch null;

(or if you prefer, a noop call). The lack of parentheses make it clear
that the word following 'except' is not the error parameter, and the
lack of braces clearly means the catch-phrase ends at the semicolon.
It could even be immediately followed by a finally, which I think
yields some terse, but useful syntax that's intuitive and consistent.

try foo();
catch bar();
finally cleanUp();

in the same spirit as

if (foo) doFoo();
else doBar();

-Michael A. Smith

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 5:45 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski
<jussi.kallioko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Silent catch-alls like that are almost always bad code. I think the
>> language rather shouldn't encourage this pattern with extra
>> convenience.
> I don't see how this would be much more encouraging than allowing for the
> catch block to do nothing. The people who would use this would leave the
> catch block empty anyway.
> I am also perplexed as to how often things are countered with similar
> arguments. Incompetent programmers make bad decisions regardless of how much
> the language/framework/library does to prevent this. In my mind it's not a
> valid excuse for not making things harder for those who know what they're
> doing. (And I'm in no way claiming to be a competent developer, this is just
> an opinion :])
>> /Andreas
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