On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:

> Brendan Eich wrote:
>> Would property assignments be separated by comma or semicolon?
>>> Eg.
>>> o.( a = "alpha", b = "beta" )
>>> v.
>>> o.( a = "alpha"; b = "beta" )
>> Heh, I didn't say. Comma might be just as good meaning "no worse than
>> semicolon" in light of object literals having different-enough brackets.
>> Comma looks like the comma operator, and with () around it looks like an
>> argument list, OTOH.
>> On the principle of making different semantics look different, I'd go
>> with ; over , at this point. But perhaps there' s a more targeted argument
>> one way or the other?
> A targeted homage: Smalltalk's fluent style used ; so we should too,
> inside () after a dot.

I appreciate this reason ;), but I like semicolon for another reason -- the
parens suggest "factoring out" the "o.", as if

  o.(stuff1; stuff2)

means the same thing as

  o.stuff1; o.stuff2

where stuff1 and stuff2 are not identifiers, but (to take an extreme
stance) anything that can appear within an expression statement between an
initial "o." and a terminal ";".

Although it does not fall out of the factoring interpretation, I think it
is still natural for the expression as a whole to have o as its value,
since expression statements are not normally thought of as having a value.

However, I think it is just too much syntax to have both this and mustache.
We should choose at most one. I would prefer neither to both.

> But it's not a usability argument, just a salute to one of the eight great
> programming languages.

Ok, I gotta ask: Which are the other seven?

> /be
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