On May 31, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

> The original API allowed me to pass an explicitly bound callback (whether it 
> was by bind or fat arrow) and have that binding take precendence over a 
> default behavior.

I think you might still be missing a key point: if `callbackFn` is a bound 
function, there's no important difference in behavior between

    callbackFn.call(elems, x, i)


    callbackFn(x, i)

The former passes elems as a `this` parameter, but `callbackFn` ignores it and 
uses its own bound `this`. The latter doesn't pass a `this` parameter, and 
`callbackFn` uses its own bound `this`. Either way, you get the same behavior. 
So you can simply replace lines 9 - 22 with

    [].forEach.call( elems, callbackFn );

And there's no need for the isBound predicate.


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