The test is at (and .js).

The strings I used are:
["o\u0308", "ö"],
["ä\u0323", "a\u0323\u0308"], // requires reordering
["a\u0308\u0323", "a\u0323\u0308"], // requires reordering
["ạ\u0308", "a\u0323\u0308"],
["ä\u0306", "a\u0308\u0306"],
["ă\u0308", "a\u0306\u0308"],
["\u1111\u1171\u11b6", "퓛"], // jamo/hangul
["Å", "Å"]


Safari on Mac, iOS: Fail for comparisons that require reordering nonspacing 
marks within strings; pass for others.
Firefox, Opera, Explorer on Windows: Fail for jamo/hangul comparison; pass for 
Firefox, Node on Mac; Chrome on Mac, Windows: Fail for all.
Opera on Mac: Passes for all.


On Jun 19, 2012, at 7:30 , Rick Waldron wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Norbert Lindenberg 
> <> wrote:
> The ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification currently has 
> normalization as an optional feature in collation. However, it requires that 
> the compare function "return 0 when comparing Strings that are considered 
> canonically equivalent by the Unicode standard". Canonical equivalence, I 
> thought, is usually implemented through normalization. Does it make sense to 
> keep normalization as a separate and optional feature then? Is anybody 
> planning to implement canonical equivalence through other mechanisms, such 
> that the lack of normalization would be visible in the comparison of 
> non-equivalent strings?
> BTW, the requirement that canonically equivalent strings compare as equal has 
> been part of the specification of String.prototype.localeCompare since ES3. 
> When testing with a handful of string pairs pulled from chapter 3 of the 
> Unicode Standard and from UTS 10, however, I found that only Opera on the Mac 
> detects their equivalence correctly. Firefox on the Mac and the V8 systems 
> (Chrome, Node) fail to detect any equivalence; Safari, Explorer and the 
> Windows versions of Opera and Firefox detect some and miss others. Obviously 
> people haven't been paying much attention to localeCompare...
> I don't know enough about the first part of your message to be any use; I am, 
> however, interested in the second part - will you be publishing your tests 
> and findings?
> Rick
> Norbert
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