That's possible but it is a bit ugly, isn't it?

Also, as dherman observed, ?. and variations are different from defaulting, in one point of view. That is, avoiding dereferencing a value that does not coerce to object is the purpose of ?. but not necessarily of ??= (or || as used for defaulting today).

We could use ?obj as a prefix form for testing whether obj is not null or undefined, but it would then lead to doubled ?? when put in the "then" part of a ?: ternary.

Using ?? as a suffix form is even uglier in a ternary: obj???wut:lol.

We already have obj != null for testing whether obj is not null or undefined, so that takes away a lot of the pressure for unary ??.

My current thinking is:

(a) ?? and ??= as proposed in (undefined-only). (b) ||= as a freebie since || is in the language and useful for falsy-defaulting (latent bugs notwithstanding). (c) ?. as proposed in
(d) obj.maybeMethod?.(args) for what CoffeeScript calls ?(.


Domenic Denicola wrote:
What struck me from Jeremy's explanation was the uniformity of CoffeeScript's ? 
operator (modulo the small issue he mentioned for function calls). It seems to 
combine the currently-strawman'ed ??/??= and ?. into one very simple semantic.

What about adopting ?? as CoffeeScript's ? operator? Would this solve the 
lookahead problems? So you could do

This would unfortunately imply, for uniformity, that

object ?? other
object ??= other

become null + undefined tests instead of just undefined. But that might be 
worth paying.

For the record that leaves object?? as the only unimplemented CoffeeScript 
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