The ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification currently requires that 
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format(date) throws an exception if 
ToNumber(date) is not a finite Number (i.e., it's NaN or +/- Infinity). This is 
incompatible with the specification of 
Date.prototype.toLocale(|Date|Time)String, which unconditionally requires that 
a String value is returned.

Most existing implementations of Date.prototype.toLocale(|Date|Time)String 
return "Invalid Date" for NaN (Infinity is mapped to NaN in the Date 
constructor). Safari tries to produce something in the format of a date string, 
with limited success:
Mac OS 10.6.8: "December -2147483629, 1969 -596:-31:-23 GMT-08:00"
iOS 5.1.1 German: "1. Januar 1970 00:00:00 GMT-07:52:58"

Internationalization libraries usually use integer-based representations of 
date and time and therefore don't deal with NaN and Infinity.

I see the following options:

1) Change Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format to return a localized form of 
"Invalid Date" for non-finite values. Pro: Most compatible with current 
implementations. Con: Internationalization libraries probably don't provide 
these localized strings, so the wrapper implementing the ECMAScript 
Internationalization API has to provide them.

2) Change Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format to return 
Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format(ToNumber(date)) for non-finite values. Pro: 
Relies on existing functionality. Con: Less descriptive and less compatible 
than 1.

3) Leave Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format as is (i.e., throw an exception 
for non-finite values); specify Date.prototype.toLocale(|Date|Time)String to 
handle NaN directly before calling Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format with 
other values. Pro: Easier detection of programming errors when using format(). 
Con: format() and toLocaleString() start to drift apart.

I lean towards option 1).



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