On Monday, September 3, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:

> On Friday, 31 August 2012 at 17:04, Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
> > It takes a few steps to find the information, but I think the 
> > Internationalization API spec together with the Language spec cover this:
> > 
> > Clause 8 of the Internationalization API spec says: "The Intl object is a 
> > standard built-in object that is the initial value of the Intl property of 
> > the global object."
> > 
> > Clause 7 of the Internationalization API spec says: "Unless specified 
> > otherwise in this document, the objects, functions, and constructors 
> > described in this standard are subject to the generic requirements and 
> > restrictions specified for standard built-in ECMAScript objects in the 
> > ECMAScript Language Specification 5.1 edition, introduction of clause 15, 
> > or successor."
> > 
> > Clause 15 of the Language spec says: "Every other property described in 
> > this clause has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, 
> > [[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified."
> > 
> > Ergo: The Intl property of the global object has the attributes { 
> > [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
> Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully a HTML version of the i18n spec can 
> also be published that links to the right places in the Lang spec. Makes the 
> jumping around easier :)
Agreed. Cc'ing Jason Orendorff

Norbert, perhaps you could work with Jason to export the i18n spec to HTML, as 
he has a tool that (not quite automatically) converts to HTML. I know that he 
and Allen produced the ES6 in HTML as well


> -- 
> Marcos Caceres
> http://datadriven.com.au
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