Andreas Rossberg wrote:
Er, from my reading that's clearly not what the Wiki says for WeakMap. And it also is not what V8 implements, for either WeakMap or Map.

Sorry, I was relying on Rick's testimony that the answers were 1) yes, 2) no.

V8 says no to both. And I fail to see what benefit there is to
separating the two. In fact, it seems hostile to programmers to do so.

Either way, something splits. 1/2 = y/n requires a degenerate prototype of same class. 1/2 = n/n requires a split from all the ES5 and prior built-ins.

I think Allen is absolutely right that the magic incest of current
built-ins is not going to scale, is semantically questionable, and
should best be abandoned.

Could you say a bit more?

There's a scaling problem indeed if each new class must enforce the degenerate prototype case with extra code. Using an Object instance to hold methods is a fixed extra cost (the "split from all the ES5 and prior built-ins" cost). Granted, implementations will have to do some work for the new classes that might hold mutable state. But they can systematize internally so this is not a new custom work each time a class with mutable state is added.

The best reason for using Object is the one Mark raised: class (as sugar for constructor/prototype) uses Object.

But if you've read the thread this far, my objective is not to enforce one implementation approach or the other. It's to use @@toStringTag and anything like it so there's no observable difference between the two approaches. Classes should be able to do likewise.

Otherwise we have

  class C extends B {...}


  C.prototype instanceof Object

when the cowpath today wants

  C.prototype instanceof B

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