
now that we have symbols (and use some of them language-wise, like @iterator or proposed @toStringTag), I'd say we can probably dissect [[Call]] and [[Construct]] semantics fairly easily. Assuming there are global constant symbols @construct and @call, for min-max classes the issue is very simple:

class Foo {
        @construct(bar) {
                this.bar = bar;
        @call() {
                // do something else

I'd propose the above as the minimal proposal for [[Call]] and [[Construct]] separation (even when it only works for classes; and so they can be abused to create function with [[Call]] and [[Construct]] separated). Implementation would be to create Foo such that it chooses one or the other based on whether [[Call]] or [[Construct]] is invoked.

It could go further, like this:

var f = { @construct() {console.log(1)}, @call() {console.log(2)} };
f(); // logs 2
new f; // logs 1

In case of "native functions" (function, =>) do [[Call]] and [[Construct]] as today, in case of objects, check for @construct / @call presence.

But this has some quirks to solve, like typeof must be "function" for every object having @call, but what about object having only @construct?

Thanks, Herby
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