John J Barton wrote:
On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Brendan Eich<>  wrote:
John J Barton wrote:
That is not my understanding, but I don't think it matters: that is an
implementation specific notion without consequence. Whether the
compiler treats all of the top level statements of a<script>   tag
individually or separately cannot influence the result.
No, this ignores function and var hoisting.

So that just means functions aren't the unit of compilation as
previously claimed right?

No, it means your statement "[w]hether the compiler treats all of the top level statements of a<script> tag individually or separately cannot influence the result"is not true.

Engines indeed must parse whole scripts but need not "compile every function" at that time, so some engines are indeed deferring anything beyond parsing until first call to a function. This means that any nested functions and vars, while also parsed, have their compilation to something executable deferred too. The skeletal parsing does not even necessarily save a parse tree to interpret.

This deferred compilation is not observable, indeed.

In any case, I only want to bolster Allen's suggestion to add a new
word for code fed to the compiler before execution.

The best of a bad lot, IMHO, is still "Script".

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