Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Oct 16, 2012, at 9:11 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
The module vs. let scope is also interesting. Allen said the literature favored 
the latter but that wasn't clear from my nowhere-near-comprehensive reading.
Presumably that is a large part of our motivation for providing lexically 
scoped let/const/function/class rather than the semi-global function scoping.
True for bindings but not clear for private/friend visibility qualifiers. Other 
languages do not all block-scope those, more the reverse: class or 
package/library scope.

Yes, but what are we talking about here.

If that's a question, see Kevin's head post. This is a thread about an alternative. It's not necessary to rehash your at-name proposal, which is clear enough. What would help IMHO is comparing it to Kevin's or other similar such things (Dart's, e.g.) based on use-cases and actual user experience.

"priv"?? "sym"?? Plus as an OO developer, "protected" is what I really want...

Bletch, barf, and too long :-P.

We also have the issue that we have orthogonal differences (reflection) between "public" and private symbols and as long as we have them, there needs be a way to designate which is intended. The root question might be whether the symbol approach truly provides a usable solution for the encapsulation use case. Allen

Agreed, this thread proposed an alternative that actually threw out privacy in order to avoid collisions and match today's JS patterns.

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