On 12/04/2012 03:57 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> The timing of copying is only an issue if the function actually assigns to a 
>> formal parameter.  Such assignments should be pretty easy to 
>> (conservatively) statically check for.
> I'm telling you what engines do. Not what they might do. I did assignment 
> analysis in SpiderMonkey for Firefox 3.6, it was helpful in its day. I think 
> a bunch has been ripped out because modern JITs don't need it.
> [...]the point I made, cited above: " engines don't do it currently and feel 
> little pressure to do so. Chicken and egg."

SpiderMonkey's implementation of the arguments object functions exactly as 
described here for functions with strict mode code -- actually for all 
functions, I think.  Regarding the strict mode semantics specifically, it was 
fairly easy to make those optimizations when I was implementing the various 
strict mode arguments semantics, so I did them.  There hasn't been a time where 
SpiderMonkey's had strict mode arguments semantics, without these optimizations.

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