
ES5 invariants are silent when it comes to function identity of non-configurable accessors. That is, for a given object o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'a').get === Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'a').get
(two seperate calls) is not guaranteed.

The built-in [[DefineOwnProperty]] (ES5.1 - 8.12.9) prevents from changing of getter and setter functions when the property is not configurable (step 11), but that's not an expected invariant for self-hosted objects.

I think that the current definition of non-compatible descriptors (based on Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor and Object.defineProperty) used in invariant checks makes impossible to use different functions and that may be a problem.

The way things are going, WindowProxy [Unforgeable] properties will be non-configurable getters. If, upon underlying window change, the WindowProxy is expected to keep the exact same getter function, then, it may result in capability leaks (attach something in a getter in one iframe and get it back when the iframe@src has changed). One solution could be to make these getters frozen; a better solution would be to not "same getter identity" as an invariant for proxies reflecting non-configurable accessors.

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