Le 27/12/2012 20:04, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
This is a very good point. Is there any reason other than legacy compat why WebIDL specifies inherited accessors rather than own properties?
There is no legacy compat issue. Before WebIDL, the ECMAScript representation of DOM objects was an absurd under-specified and consequently non-interoperable mess. We are still in this mess. IE9 is following WebIDL quite closely. I assume IE10 is doing better (I've never had a look, but Microsoft is following a good path, so I assume progress). All other browsers are still very far from WebIDL. Firefox is making fast progress [1]. I don't think I have seen progress in other browsers, but I haven't been following that closely either.

I don't know why inherited accessors were chosen, but I'm very interested in learning if someone has the answer. Since we can decently assume than no web content really relies on WebIDL, there is certainly still time to change WebIDL if necessary


[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=580070
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