On 27 December 2012 23:38, Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com> wrote:

> I don't feel qualified to talk for Scheme, but all Ocaml I've ever
> seen (SML uses more verbose 'let' syntax anyway) formatted the above as
>     let sq = x * x in
>>     print ("sq: " ^ toString sq ^ "\n");
>>     let y = sq / 2 in
>>     print ("y: " ^ toString y ^ "\n")
> Similarly, in Haskell you would write
>     do
>        let sq = x * x
>>        putStr ("sq: " ++ show sq ++ "\n")
>>        let y = sq / 2
>>        putStr ("y: " ++ show y ++ "\n")
Don't know where the empty lines in the middle of both examples are coming
from, weird Gmail quote-editing glitch that didn't show up in the edit box.
Assume them absent. :)

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