Exactly Brendan, I could not agree more and this is my No. 1 pitfall about
JS: developers often not doing real work complaining about stuff that
developers doing real work don't even care about or never ever had to worry

In any case they can learn and understand the feature/problem using the
feature when needed, avoiding its weakness when necessary.

About falsy and truthy, null and undefined, who cares ... seriously, and to
be honest, that's not a pitfall, is rather a feature when needed as it is
for all other scripting languages as long as you know what you are doing
... and no programming language will save you if you don't know what you
are doing and it's your duty, as developer, to understand the language you
are using if that's your job.

Again, about falsy ... if I see a glass empty, it does not mean I used a
microscope to understand no water is left in the whole glass surface ... I
just consider that empty and I add water on top.

Engineers have the tendency to over complicate even simple tasks as the one
I've just described ... what is the benefit? What is the result? That the
day falsy values in JS will disappear libraries authors will implement an
isFalsy(value) function/method and use it 90% of the time regretting the
trick with == disappeared ... isn't it ;-)

Last, but not least, happy new year to everyone :-)


On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I've never heard anyone doing real work complain
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