On Jan 16, 2013, at 10:53 AM, David Bruant wrote:

> Le 16/01/2013 19:42, Brendan Eich a écrit :
>> David Bruant wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is an idea naturally derived of all the current discussions about 
>>> WeakMaps and Private symbols. The proposal is easily summarized by these 
>>> lines of code:
>>>    var wm = new WeakMap();
>>>    var o = {};
>>>    o[wm] = 12 // desugars to wm.set(o, 12)
>>>    var a = o[wm]; // desugars to wm.get(o);
>>>    wm in o // desugars to wm.has(o);
>>>    delete o[wm] // desugars to wm.delete(o); 
>> You are not showing the desugaring in general:
>> function get(o,x) {
>>  return o[x];
>> }
>> must transform to
>> function get(o,x) {
>>  return (x is WeakMap) ? x.get(o) : o[x];
>> }
> You're right, I hadn't thought of that.
>> This is not an acceptable hit for every []-named property access.
> I intuit (and may be wrong) that even just observing types (weakmap or 
> stringified type) passed to a []-access can be a good indicator of how best 
> []-named property access should be JIT-compiled. You pay the price of the (x 
> is WeakMap) test only the time the JIT warms up.
> Given what's in current engines, it sounds doable.

If you want to explore this area, I suggest taking a fresh look at 


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