Brendan Eich wrote:
David Bruant wrote:
This is an idea naturally derived of all the current discussions about
WeakMaps and Private symbols. The proposal is easily summarized by
these lines of code:
var wm = new WeakMap();
var o = {};
o[wm] = 12 // desugars to wm.set(o, 12)
var a = o[wm]; // desugars to wm.get(o);
wm in o // desugars to wm.has(o);
delete o[wm] // desugars to wm.delete(o);
You are not showing the desugaring in general:
function get(o,x) {
return o[x];
must transform to
function get(o,x) {
return (x is WeakMap) ? x.get(o) : o[x];
I'd go for genericity here:
function get(o,x) {
return x.@@isReversedPseudoProperty ? x[o] : o[x];
combined with OMR which gives WeakMap x[o] ability, it could be generic
and allow other "reversed getters".
This is not an acceptable hit for every []-named property access.
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