On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 1:13 PM, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 17/01/2013 19:30, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
>> 2) Until ES7 provides private
> I may have missed something. In the harmony proposal on the wiki [1] (is the
> wiki down? I'm looking at google's cache),

I don't know, but seems down for me too. But the classes accepted for
ES6 are "maximally minimal" and contain no field declarations of any

> I see that syntax for private
> properties is in the proposal and nothing suggests it's postpone until ES7.
> I see in recent notes that the @-syntax isn't fully agreed upon, but that's
> where I'm at. Is there no private syntax at all for classes in ES6?


>> there will be transpilers that provide actual privacy by other means.
> What syntax and semantics will these transpilers use if TC39 doesn't reach
> an agreement?
>> 3) Most important, and most unsaid by my previous email: In ES6, since
>> there's no built-in class/object privacy mechanism, ES6 programmers in
>> general and ES6 class programmers specifically have to achieve real
>> privacy by other means -- by engaging in some pattern using other
>> constructs. Previous conversations assumed that these patterns would
>> be expressed in terms of private symbols. Absent private symbols, the
>> pattern shown by my expansion above, as painful as it is, is what will
>> be expressed manually. By the time ES7 rolls out, there will be a lot
>> of that code.
> People who care will use a transpiler (and I personally don't care if the
> generated code is slightly slower than what it could be natively or ugly).
> People who don't care about privacy will go on with their lives writing
> JavaScript as they do in ES5.
> That's an ephemeral problem in my opinion and isn't the "most important"
> point. Am I underestimating it?

I believe you are. For abstractions with small numbers of methods and
no interesting inheritance, I find the objects-as-closures pattern +
weakmaps for class-private instance variables, as in our recent paper,
to be more pleasant than the likely ES7 class syntax anyway; and much
simpler to understand. And it's way more pleasant than the maximin
classes accepted for ES6. We will see a lot of code manually using
WeakMaps in this way.

> David
> [1] http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:classes

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