On Jan 19, 2013, at 11:39 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Something was nagging me from the 2011-era debate over private symbols vs. 
> weak maps, and that's the ability of a weak map to implement soft fields on 
> frozen objects. Symbols (private or not) can't do that.
> Not sure this matters in the current proxy-focused thread, but I thought I 
> would point it out explicitly.

It seems like at the root of this question revolves around what you mean by a 
"frozen object".  

In ES5 there is no such concept.  There really is only the 
Object.freeze/Object.isFrozen functions.  These are defined operationally in 
terms of specific constructs that exist in ES5.  There really is no guidance in 
those definitions as to how they should be extended when when new constructs 
are added to the language.

Also, the effect obtained by applying Object.freeze to an object isn't a 
fundamental characteristic of an object.  The exact same effect can be achieve 
by a combination of other calls and Object.isFreeze will still report true.

Who's to say that a symbol keyed object can't be added to an object after 
Object.freeze has been applied to it.  Before we can say that we have to define 
the semantics of symbol keyed objects and possibly extend 
Object.freeze/isFrozen to accommodate those new semantics. What's the guidance 
for doing so?  What abstract concept of "frozen" do we to apply to the 
semantics of new language features?


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