On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Brandon Benvie

> Indeed, and given use of ES6, I expect things like this wouldn't be very
> uncommon (I think is supposed to be Object.define right?):

Nothing there yet, though I suspect Object.mixin() will have more traction.



> Object.define(x, {
>   get a(){},
>   set a(v){},
>   get b(){},
>   c(){}
> });
> Instead of most current descriptor stuff (since enumerability and
> configurability are rarely desired to be false).
> On Tuesday, February 5, 2013, Rick Waldron wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 3:19 AM, gaz Heyes <gazhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 4 February 2013 23:44, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>>> What's confusing?
>>> The fact that you can have an object property without a colon and a
>>> function without a function keyword.
>> ES6 concise methods will make this the norm:
>> let o = {
>>   meaning() {
>>     return 42;
>>   }
>> };
>> o.meaning(); // 42
>>> Then a property descriptor uses a completely new syntax to define the
>>> same thing. Why?
>>> Object.defineProperty(window,'x',{set:alert});
>>> x=1;
>> What part is "new syntax"? Property descriptors are just object literal
>> syntax—did you mean "different syntax"?
>>> To me this seems hacked together.
>>>> ({'get'x(){return 123;}}).x
>>>> That's not legal ES5.
>>> Some engines support it though and I'm pretty sure Firefox did at some
>>> point.
>> I think Brendan was referring to the quotes, ie. 'get'. Remove those for
>> legal syntax:
>> ({ get x() { return 123; } }).x
>> Rick
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