Le 13/02/2013 20:36, Tom Van Cutsem a écrit :
Hi David,

    I went a bit too far suggesting frozen objects could de-facto
    disappear with proxies.
    I'm still unclear on the need for specific
    seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

I think Allen and I reached consensus that we might do without those traps.

In addition, Allen was considering an alternative design where the "state" of an object (i.e. "extensible", "non-extensible", "sealed" or "frozen") is represented explicitly as an internal property, so that Object.isFrozen and Object.isSealed must not "derive" the state of an object from its properties.
So what would happen when calling Object.isFrozen on a proxy? Would Object.isFrozen/isSealed/isExtensible reach out directly to the target? or a unique "state" trap returning a string for all of them? ("state" is too generic of a name, but you get the idea)

Regardless on the final decision on (full) notification proxies, maybe these operations (isSealed/isFrozen) could have notification trap. The invariant is that the answer has to be the target one (all the time), so the trap return value is irrelevant. Like the getPrototypeOf trap.

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