Yes, this was in this list some three-four months ago. There were answers like "JS is this way dynamic, playing with Object.prototype hurts".

I proposed that return value from Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor should inherit from well well-known frozen object with all the default set. Back, then no-one seemed to be interested.


Nathan Wall wrote:
Given that `defineProperty` uses properties on the prototype of the 
descriptor[1] and `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` returns an object which inherits 
from `Object.prototype`, the following use-case is volatile:

     function copy(from, to) {
         for (let name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(from))
             Object.defineProperty(to, name,
                 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name));

If a third party script happens to add `get`, `set`, or `value` to 
`Object.prototype` the `copy` function breaks.

     Object.prototype.get = function() { };

     var x = { foo: 1 };
     var y = { };
     copy(x, y); // TypeError: property descriptors must not specify a value or
                 // be writable when a getter or setter has been specified

It's misleading that you can't trust `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` to give you a 
descriptor which you can use to define a property with `defineProperty`.

A script which doesn't use `defineProperty` could very well define a `get` 
property on `Object.prototype`, unknowingly breaking other scripts which do use 
`defineProperty`. This is a hazard in the language.

I think one of the following would be an appropriate solution:

(1) "Nuke" the special properties (`get`, `set`, and `value` when any of them is not 
defined) on a descriptor returned by `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` which shouldn't be inherited 
through the descriptor's prototype. By "nuke" them, I mean specify that they be defined 
as `undefined`, much like `callee` and `caller` in strict mode. (I don't think strict mode is 
required in this case, though, since I highly doubt anyone could be relying on this behavior.)

(2) Use the introduction of `Reflect.defineProperty` as an opportunity to "fix" 
this function to only inspect own properties on the property descriptor so that the 
descriptor's prototype doesn't matter. This is similar to the addition of `Number.isNaN` 
to fix the broken `isNaN`.


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