Herby Vojčík wrote:

Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
A few more thoughts:

- This marks the end of prototypal inheritance in JavaScript (not
complaining, just stating a fact). Putting @@create in constructors C
makes a lot of sense, but it could, in principle, also be put into
instance prototypes C.prototype. Then Object.create(proto) could use
@@create to create the instance whose prototype is proto.

The identifier create is probably used in lots of other places, so this
is non-starter, but if not, it could be simply reused, so that:

Ctr.create(proto, [descriptors])


newobj = Ctr[@@create]();
newobj.__proto__ = proto;
Object.defineProperties(newobj, descriptors);

Sorry for replying to myself, but another possibility is to add proto and descriptors parameters to IIRC parameterless @@create. Object.create would thus just point to Object[@@create] and others could be create similarly: Array[@@create](myprototype, mydescriptors);

It is semantically compatible with what Object.create does now.
In fact, if somewhere inside implementation of Object.create one would
use "this[@@create]" to create new instance, and it was moved to
Function.prototype, it could be used as is.


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