On 3/20/2013 12:56 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
If you're specifically talking about reading/writing TypedArray elements (really ArrayBuffers) you have to take into account the possibility that you can have different types overlaying the same buffer storage. Hence a NaN bit pattern might be written as 2 Uint32 values and then retrieved as a Float64 value. In that case, there is no Float64 write to perform the normalization so it must be done on all reads. Such normalization is especially important if object pointers are represented using NaN-boxing.

Exactly, you can't control it on the write end. Writing two uint32's is precisely how you do NaN-tagging using typed arrays (since you can't write an uint64). The way to normalize is to coerce to a single canonical NaN on read, if anything.

(an example of NaN-tagging using typed arrays: https://gist.github.com/Benvie/5021724)
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