On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Your writing is unclear and overlong, and full of unjustified airs of
> grievance -- please work on it.

I'll do more than that, I publicly and officially apologies for my writing
plus I will step back from this ML for an undefined amount of time so you
can all keep doing your best to make JavaScript awesome without me
bothering at all.

Just please, don't forget that not everyone needs to interpretate ES
runtime if not online IDEs or some other use case, as SES is ... but those
are use cases indeed and those are not the Web and should not affect the
future of a programming language that happily runs already on the server
too and would like to be **as unsafe as possible when needed** (runtime
optimized pre-compiled Function(string) is only a case, fn.caller could be
another, etc) but **also a better language when it is possible** (i.e.
Object.setPrototypeOf() deprecating the __proto__ magic)

Last, but not least, all I've always tried to do in this ML since ever is
exactly the same you all do every day: make the Web awesome, caring for all
possible real use-cases I've experienced in my 12+ hands on
client/server/db web development experience and all of them with JS on the
front or the back end.

Well, it is quite clear to me that here, in this ML, I've failed.

Best Regards
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